In the LOS ANGELES some music fans paid top dollar to see the band Coldplay ended up getting the cold shoulder instead. Fans who found a some tickets on Craigslist, Stubhub, eBay, and other Internet sites and paid in the $200-$400 range for each seat for Coldplay at the Hollywood Bowl were stunned and disappointed to find that the tickets were phonies.
The Coldplay shows were sell outs at the Bowl, and Hollywood Bowl COO Arvinv Manocha conceded it was a very inopportune condition. Manocha said that there was nothing we could do for these unlucky people who were bilked. But it was a sellout; there were no other valid tickets to be sold to them.
Stick with the safety of Ticketmaster, and don't be drawn into ‘too good to be true’ ticket finds on other websites on the Internet. By avoiding 3rd-party ticket vendors, fans must be able to keep away from the cold reality of fake Coldplay tickets, and fraudulent scams for other shows as well.
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