The biggest scam in the internet is counterfeit money orders and checks. Commonly this type of scam working as: The scammer will offer to pay for products with a money order or check.
One of the biggest scams on the Internet involves counterfeit money orders and checks. These fake instruments are easy to create. Once deposited, they can take banks a while to process or verify. Then, your money is gone and you might have racked up some fees. Scammer use the honorable person of military or any trusted persons images to believe it as trusted one.
Transaction page might be appear as ebay or any trusted site and the platform could be from any website. The Scammer wants the user to accept a check or money order. Don’t accept it. The scammer will send a lot of message regarding the offers price to negotiate. If something happens, the users must cancel the transaction.
The Fake job recruiter’s use same method to utilize the unemployed. They hide monthly fees for services in purchase agreements. Some scammers use fake money order scam to make the client to buy equipment for home offices.
Genuine U.S. Postal Money Orders have the following unique features:
- A watermark of Benjamin Franklin, which is able to be seen when, takes to the light. The image repeats down the left side of the money order.
- A USPS security line fixed in the paper with the letters facing toward the back and front.
Warning information listed on the rear part of the money order. - Serial numbers is in red color that bleeds through to the rear side of the paper.
- Denominations listed in two places that, if erased, fade around the denomination amounts.
In addition, genuine U.S. Postal Money Orders are printed on hard textured paper stock and are in denominations no larger than $1,000. The greatest amount of worldwide postal money order is $700.
Recently, in a rental site one scammer acts like a house owner to rent a room. But he was caught via Google email and a complaint site. Many scammers we can’t to find, because anyone with internet access without verification can get number of email accounts freely from Google, Yahoo, MSN, etc...
It would be helpful if those mail domains verify the ownership of the email account.
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